Claudia ich liebe dich oder so 22/25 Uhr 2001
Mark Handforth
5′53 · CH dialect/DE · de/en · 2024
Can a declaration of love be art? While Roland Wetzel, curator at the Tinguely Museum, says that declaring love is always an art, Mark Handforth, creator of Claudia ich liebe Dich oder so 22/25 Uhr [Claudia, I love you…or something like that, 10:25 PM], proves that a declaration of love can indeed be art. And in this case, one that is loved by all who discover it.
Roland Wetzel
Museum Tinguely
Written and directed by
Marcel Scheible
Aurelio Buchwalder
Marcel Scheible
Miro Widmer
Marcel Scheible
Oeil extérieur
Christa Miranda
Jasmin Albash
Andreas Grötzinger
Anne Hody
Location Sound
Timo Schaub
Sounddesign and Mix
Thomas Rechberger
Grafic Design
Noëmi Bachmann
Color Grading
Hannes Rüttimann
Tina Mülchi
Claudia ich liebe Dich oder so 22/25 Uhr
The glowing handwritten confession of love, inspired by graffiti that artist Mark Handforth discovered on a wall, is housed under the Johanniterbrücke over the Rhine. Hung from the bridge’s western pier in 2001 as part of the temporary art-in-context project Lokalzeit, in 2002 the installation of the artwork was permanently secured. Although the girder somewhat protects the delicate neon script, the glass tubing is vulnerable to weathering and other damage by the elements including high water, making it necessary for regular upkeep and so far one complete replacement.
Mark Handforth
British artist Mark Handforth (b. 1969 in Hong Kong) has lived and worked in Miami since 1992. His mostly large-format sculptures sometimes have a primarily site-specific, but also conceptual character. As well, there is a relation to Pop Art in the sense that his artworks are based on everyday life pictorial or written material and found objects including the employment of the neon sign as medium. Numerous artworks of Handforth have been installed in public spaces in the United States.
LOKALZEIT took place from May 18 to July 1, 2001 in the St. Johann district of Basel under the direction of Linda Cassens, Helen Hirsch, and Sue Irion. The aim of LOKALZEIT was to encourage artists to immerse themselves in the given "local time" of different designated places in St. Johann to develop specific artworks. The project consisted of twelve artistic works, including a night market involving local merchants and artists from the quarter.

Project Lokalzeit with CMS
Jacqueline Spengler Stiftung
Bau- und Verkehrsdepartement
2001 temporary at Café Florida / Gasstrasse 2 / Basel
With photographs from Archäologische Bodenforschung BS
Installation view: Serge Hasenböhler
2001 temporary at Voltamatte / Basel
In collaboration with Conni Leuenberger, Marcel Schär and Martin Töngi
2001 temporary at the corner of Voltastrasse / Lothringerstrasse / Luzernerring / Basel
2001 temporary at all Tram und Bus Stops in St. Johann / Basel